Gambling - Commission service levels


22 Feb

The Gambling Commission has recently published details of the service levels to which they will seek to adhere.

As it appears on their website, these indicate that ‘timescales in processing applications are dependent upon the application being complete with all required supporting documentation being provided.

This information is provided so that:

  • Those making written enquiries know when they can normally expect to receive a response.
  • Applicants and licensees can more effectively plan when to submit applications

Type of application/enquiry

Response time

Written contacts from licensees

15 working days

Written contacts from consumers

20 working days

Operating Licence new applications

16 weeks

Operating Licence applications to vary

5 days1 to 8 weeks

Change of Corporate Control applications

12 weeks

Personal Licence new applications

8 weeks

Personal Licence applications to vary

5 days

Personal Licence Maintenance checks

16 weeks

Law correct at the date of publication.
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